Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Remembering Maya Angelou

I was so sad to hear that Maya Angelou Passed today.  I still remember laying in bed in high school reading, "I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings", and other various poems written by her. To celebrate her beautiful life I created a simple 8x10 poster with my favorite quote of hers. I hope you can find a place in your favorite space to remember what an inspiration she was. 

Rest in Peace Maya.

Download this Maya Angelou freebie, here

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Hello, Spring {Printable}

Happy First Day of Spring!!! 

I'm not sure what the weather is like where you are, but here in Las Vegas, Spring has Sprung!  In fact, in a few minutes I will be blowing up our bounce house in the backyard, so Preston and his friends can get all of their sillies out.  

To celebrate this wonderful time of year, I have created a Free Printable for you all. Feel free to print this 8x10 out and display it where you see fit! 

I also made this beauty the other day for my front door:

> To download, just save the below image to your desktop and then print <

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Art Class/Party Invite

Happy Hump-day everyone!!

Just a quick post to share my latest creation.  We needed a flyer for our art classes that we are having at work, so I got busy and came up with this:

The kids are going to have a blast. Makes me want to throw an art party.....maybe one day!

Have a great rest of your week!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Free Printable Christmas Gift Tags

Has anyone else been booked to the max this Christmas Season?   I've been busy wrapping gifts, checking off the Christmas to-do list, and getting ready for our annual trip to Maui. I swear every day we have something going on.  My calendar has been so packed, that I had to set aside some time today to finish up my Christmas shopping and wrap presents. The time is flying and I feel the the month of December is whizzing by!

One of the projects I have been working on, are creating gift tags.  Here is one I made for our family:

I decided to wrap all of my presents in Kraft paper this year, and decorate with pretty ribbons and fun gift tags.

Like These: 

Feel free to save them to your computer and print them out for your personal use. Happy present wrapping!! 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Happiness Is.....

This Little Man makes my heart smile. 

He is free spirited, strong willed, stubborn, sweet, sensitive, and loving.  

He has lots of energy and keeps me on my toes everyday, but it doesn't matter, I love him still.  

I am so thankful he chose me to be his Mama. 

Love you more than the stars in the sky, Preston Lawrence!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

25 Days of Christmas Books: Free Tag Download

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones.  I cooked all day and then ate all night ;)  It was a fun evening and I slept great that night :)

Now that Thanksgiving is over, The Christmas Season is in full force in the Sanders household.  The tree is up, the lights are hung, and Christmas music is on.  I LOVE the holiday season.  Such a joyful time of year.

One of my goals, is to pass on the anticipation of Christmas, to Preston.  This year will be so fun.  Last year was fun, but he didn't get it. This year he understands, and is in awe of everything is fun time of year brings. He even got his own little Christmas Tree to decorate this year. We set it up in his play room for him to admire.  I want to eventually put it in his bedroom, but this was not the year to start that. The poor tree would never survive even one night.  We had a fun morning of unpacking christmas decor, decorating his tree, and reading Christmas books.

One of the traditions that we started last year with Preston, was 25 Days of Books.  See my post, here.  

Since is starts tomorrow, I have been busy wrapping up all of the books. I decided to keep it simple this year and use kraft paper and washi tape.  

Since the kraft paper is very plain, I decided that I needed something to dress up the front of the package. So, I hopped on Photoshop and whipped up some tags. 

Do you share our same tradition? If you do, and you are looking for something to make it extra special, you can download and print the below. Merry (Early) Christmas :)

Hope you are all having a fun long weekend with your families!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Free Printable Thanksgiving Menus

Can you believe that Thanksgiving is a week away? Time is seriously flying!  

Today was a rare rainy day here in Vegas, which means that I got to snuggle up on the couch with my Sweet Boy and watch a movie :) His movie of choice was....drum roll please....Toy Story 2 (SHOCKING!!) ;) While he was enjoying his movie, I got crafty on my laptop, and created a few Thanksgiving pretties.



These will print out as 8x10s.  I couldn't decide whether I wanted to frame my 8x10 and place it on the buffet, or place a 5x7 mini menu at everyone's place setting. So, I also made 5x7's in each color.  If you are interested in a 5x7, please leave me a comment, and I will email you one.

Stay tuned for some name tags that match!

Happy Thursday, before Thanksgiving!