Thursday, November 21, 2013

Free Printable Thanksgiving Menus

Can you believe that Thanksgiving is a week away? Time is seriously flying!  

Today was a rare rainy day here in Vegas, which means that I got to snuggle up on the couch with my Sweet Boy and watch a movie :) His movie of choice was....drum roll please....Toy Story 2 (SHOCKING!!) ;) While he was enjoying his movie, I got crafty on my laptop, and created a few Thanksgiving pretties.



These will print out as 8x10s.  I couldn't decide whether I wanted to frame my 8x10 and place it on the buffet, or place a 5x7 mini menu at everyone's place setting. So, I also made 5x7's in each color.  If you are interested in a 5x7, please leave me a comment, and I will email you one.

Stay tuned for some name tags that match!

Happy Thursday, before Thanksgiving!

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