Saturday, May 26, 2012

DIY: Balloon Wreath

So....I know it is a few weeks away....but I have already started crafting for Preston's FIRST Birthday Party. (His first birthday is a whole other subject that I can't fathom, and will be posting about at a later date).  The first thing I have started to work on is his Birthday Balloon Wreath.  We are doing a Baseball themed party Check out the invite:
I blacked out the address, day, and time for security purposes.  If you like it and are doing a baseball themed party yourself, you can purchase it here.  She was great to work with and very timely. Don't you love Etsy?

Anyway...back to the balloon wreath.  It was very easy to make, this was my first time making one, so it is not perfect, but I thought it turned out pretty good.  

What you need:
1. LOTS of balloons. I think I used around 180-200 balloons.  
2. Greening Pins (they usually come in a package of 500 or more)
3.  A straw wreath, with plastic on, to avoid shedding.  (Not Pictured)
4. Baseball stick-ons, or another prop (optional)

This is so simple, right up my alley.
1. Like I said, keep the plastic on the wreath, to avoid shedding. 
2. Twist a balloon and put the pin right below the twist toward the wider and bigger part of the balloon.
3. Then stick into wreath, trying to hide the pin with the skinny part of the balloon (it should be hanging  down.  Note: it took me a few tries to get the skinny part of the balloon to cover the pin. Just keep trying, you will find a system that works for you.
4. Repeat step 4 until the whole wreath is covered.
5. Add stick-on baseball or other accessories where you see fit. They can be used to hide some of the pins. That is what I did ;)

My finished product:

This will be hanging on our door for the whole month of June. First birthdays are a big deal in our house! Plus, I can take the baseballs off, and replace them with flags, for the fourth of july.  I am all about repurposing! 

Stay tuned for  DIY craft tutorials, as I have a lot of crafting in my future.  

Happy Memorial Day!

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