Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Turkey and Quinoa Stuffed Peppers

I love Stuffed Peppers, so when i found this recipe, from He & She Eat Clean, I knew I HAD to try them!  What is nice about this recipe is that you can prep ahead of time, and once you are ready to eat, just pop them in the oven to cook.

This is what you do:

~5 Bell Peppers
~1 cup {uncooked} quinoa
~One bunch of chopped Green Onion
~1.25-1.5 lbs ground {uncooked} turkey
~2-3 tablespoons of minced garlic (depending on how "garlicky" you want them)
~2 tablespoons of italian seasoning
~3 egg whites
~Sea salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
~2-3 tablespoons of tomato sauce
~Cooking spray

Cooking Supplies Needed
~Cutting board
~1 cup
~1 Tablespoon
~Large mixing bowl
~Spoon for mixing
~Casserole dish

~Preheat oven to 350 {Unless you are prepping ahead of time, then skip this step}
~Spray Casserole Dish with cooking spray
~Cook quinoa according to box instructions
~Cut tops of bell peppers, cut out innards, and scoop out seeds
~Mix: quinoa, turkey, green onion, garlic, italian seasoning, egg whites, salt and pepper in bowl
~Stuff each pepper with mixture and then place up right in casserole dish
~Top of each pepper with tomato sauce until you've used all 2-3 tablespoons
At this point, if you are prepping ahead of time, cover your peppers and put in the refrigerator.
If you are ready to eat, pop them in the oven and bake for 45-50 minutes, until turkey is cooked all the way through.

I thoroughly enjoyed them.  Even my Hubby, who is one of the pickiest eaters i know, loved them.  I hope you like them as much as we did!!

Happy healthy eating!

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