Friday, June 29, 2012

Bonnie Springs

The other day I posted our Summer Bucket List.  Well, we can cross off "go to the zoo".  Last weekend we headed up to Bonnie Springs Ranch for some cowboy style fun with animals.  It isn't your traditional Zoo. It is a Old Western Ranch that has a petting zoo. That is the closest we get to a "Zoo" in Vegas.  Preston had a blast riding on the choo choo train, eating lunch at the saloon, and visiting the animals.  Grandma was here visiting so she go to join in on all of the fun!

The cute little train that we rode into the ranch. Preston was mesmerized.
My Mom, Preston, and I waiting for the "choo choo" to arrive. It was a bit windy.

  Daddy and Preston riding on the train!
Sorry for the poor quality of pictures...these were all taken with my phone.

Taking it all in!

Choooo Chooooo!

Three Generations

Preston was given some crayons at lunch. We decided to let him color for the first time. He managed to make a few scribbles on the paper, but majority of the time he just wanted to put the crayon in his mouth :)

Happy Boy!

Saying hi to the goat
Pretty Peacock

His little brain must have been going 100 miles per minute.
There were so many wonderful things to experience and see.  

"Hi Birdie!"
Cute little donkey that would start talking.  Preston thought it was so cool he started to imitate him. He continued to do it all day.   
Feeding the turtles and duckies
The friendliest pig I have ever met.  He was in heaven with all of the food he was being fed.
This is one of my favorite pictures of Preston and his Daddy.  He loved this little 25 cent ride.   This  picture makes my heart smile!
After we left Bonnie Springs, we were pretty hot, so we got frozen yogurt. Preston had never had it, and loved it! Can you tell? ;)

Yogurt Face!
Happy Friday, friends. Enjoy the special time with families. It is supposed to be 106 degrees here in Las Vegas, so we will be trying to stay cool :)

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