Monday, July 9, 2012

Siegfried and Roy's Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat

Last Saturday we took Preston to Siegfried and Roy's Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat.  For being one with a short attention span, he did very well and loved it!! Here are a few pictures from our fun day:

Daddy and Preston looking at the dolphins swimming

Preston loved watching the dolphins glide through the water


The dolphins swam right up to us to say hi!

We loved watching them do tricks

The baby dolphins were showing off for us

The big lion was taking a nap in the shade 
He sure was pretty, but the White Striped Tiger was hissing at us!


On the prowl

Preston and Mama looking at the Tiger

The end of our fun adventure. Our sweet boy was hot and ready to go home.

Happy Monday friends!! Hope you all have a wonderful week! 

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