Saturday, November 30, 2013

25 Days of Christmas Books: Free Tag Download

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones.  I cooked all day and then ate all night ;)  It was a fun evening and I slept great that night :)

Now that Thanksgiving is over, The Christmas Season is in full force in the Sanders household.  The tree is up, the lights are hung, and Christmas music is on.  I LOVE the holiday season.  Such a joyful time of year.

One of my goals, is to pass on the anticipation of Christmas, to Preston.  This year will be so fun.  Last year was fun, but he didn't get it. This year he understands, and is in awe of everything is fun time of year brings. He even got his own little Christmas Tree to decorate this year. We set it up in his play room for him to admire.  I want to eventually put it in his bedroom, but this was not the year to start that. The poor tree would never survive even one night.  We had a fun morning of unpacking christmas decor, decorating his tree, and reading Christmas books.

One of the traditions that we started last year with Preston, was 25 Days of Books.  See my post, here.  

Since is starts tomorrow, I have been busy wrapping up all of the books. I decided to keep it simple this year and use kraft paper and washi tape.  

Since the kraft paper is very plain, I decided that I needed something to dress up the front of the package. So, I hopped on Photoshop and whipped up some tags. 

Do you share our same tradition? If you do, and you are looking for something to make it extra special, you can download and print the below. Merry (Early) Christmas :)

Hope you are all having a fun long weekend with your families!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Free Printable Thanksgiving Menus

Can you believe that Thanksgiving is a week away? Time is seriously flying!  

Today was a rare rainy day here in Vegas, which means that I got to snuggle up on the couch with my Sweet Boy and watch a movie :) His movie of choice was....drum roll please....Toy Story 2 (SHOCKING!!) ;) While he was enjoying his movie, I got crafty on my laptop, and created a few Thanksgiving pretties.



These will print out as 8x10s.  I couldn't decide whether I wanted to frame my 8x10 and place it on the buffet, or place a 5x7 mini menu at everyone's place setting. So, I also made 5x7's in each color.  If you are interested in a 5x7, please leave me a comment, and I will email you one.

Stay tuned for some name tags that match!

Happy Thursday, before Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

It's been a while....

My goodness! It has sure been a while since I last logged onto my blog.  For some reason, lately I have been contemplating getting back into blogging. For some reason, tonight I had a urge. The urge to pick up the computer and start typing.  I feel like so much has happened since the last time I wrote to you all.  I guess I have a lot of catching up to do.

I was trying to remember why I stopped blogging. It was right around Christmastime, last year. Blogging had become a chore. I didn't like that. I blogged mostly because I saw it as a way to document my life with my family and as an outlet for all of my thoughts. So, while on vacation I convinced myself to really try to relax, be with my family, and truly forget about all of my obligations.  I let go and well.....didn't really ever come back. Until now.

Why? Well...I feel like I have been through a lot the past year.  Some good. Some not so good.  I always want to share the good and happy things in my life. No question. The good is easy to share. The not so good, is a lot harder to share, but I feel that I am ready. A few of the things that I went through were hard for me.  I felt alone, and like I didn't have many people who would understand my situations.  This is one of the reasons I had such a strong urge to start blogging again. I want people who are in the midst of similar difficult experiences, to know that they are not alone. There are others faced with similar situations, and that it is hard.  Being a mom is hard.  It is tiring.  And it is ok to admit it.  Don't get me wrong, there are so many wonderful moments during this long and windy road, called Motherhood.  That is what makes getting through the hard stuff easier. I don't want to keep secrets anymore though.  I can't promise I will bear all, all the time, but I do feel like it is good for me to get some things off my chest.  If I can help a few people in the process, even better.

So, if you want to continue on my journey with me- pull up a seat, grab a snack, and a hot cup of tea.  I'm back for a few of the same reasons as when I started blogging. I still want to document life's big {and not so big} moments. I also still see it as a way to unleash all of my thoughts that swim around in my head all day.  But this time around, I will blog to be support for others. I hope that you can take away something from my stories. Not all of you will understand, but I ask you kindly not to judge.

Stay tuned for stories from the past year. Thanks for listening. Feels good to be back :)