Monday, March 19, 2012

Our Week In Pics

It was another busy week! I didn't have a chance to take too many pics, but managed to snap a few, to give you a glimpse into our life:

Dinner on Monday night. Spring Pasta with Crispy Prosciutto.  Get the recipe, here. It was super yummy! Quickly threw it together before heading over to watch The Bachelor with the girls. Speaking of Bachelor, super annoyed that Ben picked psycho Courtney. Every time they pick the crazy, I swear I won't watch the next season, but I always do! I am a sucker for the useless drama!

Playing with trains and trucks from his cousins, James and Bradley. They really likes playing with them. They definitely keep him entertained.

What are you looking at, cutie?

Kiss Me I'm Irish! My little Irishmun on St. Patty's Day!

We got some new furniture for our patio! I am so excited! Here, Jake is putting it all together.  More on the patio furniture in another post.

I got Preston some new toys. Here, he is playing with the basket of fake food. He thoroughly enjoys chewing on it, banging it on the floor, and throwing it.  

Can you say teething?? Look at that pool of drool! Those teeth are coming in fast, but not fast enough!

Part of the new toy purchase: stacking blocks.  He hasn't mastered the stacking concept yet, but he likes the colors!!

His new ball.  He LOVES it! We play roll the ball (I roll it to him and he pushes it every which way ;) On Friday night, we watched the Saint Mary's basketball game, and we were dribbling the ball around the living room. He got a kick out of it!  

That's it in a nut shell. It is rainy and gloomy here today.  Guess, it wasn't the best weekend to enjoy our newly purchased patio furniture! It is supposed to be in the 80's here later in the I will take more pics then :)

Happy Monday!

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