Friday, March 16, 2012

Pomegranate Sangria

Happy Friday!!

What better way to celebrate Friday, than with a yummy cocktail.

This yummy sangria recipe is full of citrus and kiwi. Check it out:

~1 bottle of dry white wine
~1 cup light rum
~1.5 cups OJ
~2 cups pomegranate juice
~2-3 cans ginger-ale, depending on how big your pitcher is
~1 orange, sliced into edible pieces
~2 kiwis, sliced into edible piece
~pomegranate seeds (completely optional if you can't find any)

1. Place sliced fruit at the bottom of the pitcher
2. Pour wine in first
3. Add juices, ginger-ale & rum, a little at a time so all are proportionate. Depending on how big your pitcher, you might not be able to fit each in.
4. Stir and refrigerate for 2-4 hours.
5. Enjoy!

Hope you can sit down tonight and enjoy this tasty concoction.  Put your feet up, take a load off, and enjoy. You deserve it!

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