Friday, June 29, 2012

Bonnie Springs

The other day I posted our Summer Bucket List.  Well, we can cross off "go to the zoo".  Last weekend we headed up to Bonnie Springs Ranch for some cowboy style fun with animals.  It isn't your traditional Zoo. It is a Old Western Ranch that has a petting zoo. That is the closest we get to a "Zoo" in Vegas.  Preston had a blast riding on the choo choo train, eating lunch at the saloon, and visiting the animals.  Grandma was here visiting so she go to join in on all of the fun!

The cute little train that we rode into the ranch. Preston was mesmerized.
My Mom, Preston, and I waiting for the "choo choo" to arrive. It was a bit windy.

  Daddy and Preston riding on the train!
Sorry for the poor quality of pictures...these were all taken with my phone.

Taking it all in!

Choooo Chooooo!

Three Generations

Preston was given some crayons at lunch. We decided to let him color for the first time. He managed to make a few scribbles on the paper, but majority of the time he just wanted to put the crayon in his mouth :)

Happy Boy!

Saying hi to the goat
Pretty Peacock

His little brain must have been going 100 miles per minute.
There were so many wonderful things to experience and see.  

"Hi Birdie!"
Cute little donkey that would start talking.  Preston thought it was so cool he started to imitate him. He continued to do it all day.   
Feeding the turtles and duckies
The friendliest pig I have ever met.  He was in heaven with all of the food he was being fed.
This is one of my favorite pictures of Preston and his Daddy.  He loved this little 25 cent ride.   This  picture makes my heart smile!
After we left Bonnie Springs, we were pretty hot, so we got frozen yogurt. Preston had never had it, and loved it! Can you tell? ;)

Yogurt Face!
Happy Friday, friends. Enjoy the special time with families. It is supposed to be 106 degrees here in Las Vegas, so we will be trying to stay cool :)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Summer Bucket List

I absolutely LOVE summertime! I think a lot of it stems back to when I was a kid, and I would get out of school for summer vacation.  Who doesn't enjoy three months off?  To celebrate, I put together a "Summer Bucket List", in order to accomplish all of the fun things summer has to offer. Plus, Preston is getting to the age where he enjoys getting out and seeing new sights and trying new games.  

Everytime we cross an event off the list, I will do a blog post about it. 

What is on your Summer Bucket List?

Monday, June 25, 2012

Preston's Baseball First Birthday Party

Last Saturday we celebrated our Rookie of the Year, our one year old son, Preston! It was full of fun, yummy treats, and BASEBALL!!

Most of all of Preston's friends showed up to celebrate with him. He had a total blast. I am not just saying that, either, he seriously had a ball. From the cake, presents and lots and lots of playing, this kids was completely tuckered out once everyone had left. 

We made a lot of the decor. Well, jake did a lot of the spray painting, but I put all of the finishing touches on it all. Here is Jake hard at work:
Spray Painting the Chalkboard Sign
I got both big boards, the blank banners and the chalkboard paint at Hobby Lobby. I am seriously in love with that store!!
Jake spray painting the banners.
Shout out to my Hubby, for helping me so much. I am blessed with such an amazing husband who is willing to get on board with my crazy ideas. Thank you so much for all of your help, Babe, I love you!

Here are the finished products:
Welcome to Sanders Field! Rookie of the year: Preston Sanders

We enjoyed a hot dog bar along with typical ball game food:
Cracker Jacks, cotton candy, big league chew, and baseball cupcakes.
We served lemonade and Grand Slam Punch: spiked lemon mixed with sweet tea vodka
We repurposed our little red wagon as a cooler filled with beer & water.
We set up a "Build Your Own Dog Bar"
Ball Game Food
Baseball Berries! 
Birthday Cake Popcorn 
Ball Park Nachos


Sanders Cotton Candy
I got the fake grass at Home Depot and the popcorn containers at the dollar section of Target. 

A few more special touches
The kids went home with a personalized bat and ball.

We had all of our guests sign a bat to help Preston remember his special day.
After everyone snacked on appetizers, enjoyed a cold drink (it was about 100 degrees outside) and a dog of their choice, we sang happy birthday and Preston dug into his cake.  

His Giant Baseball Cupcake. I used a big two part cupcake mold

The Birthday Boy mesmerized by everyone singing"Happy Birthday"

Still in Happy Birthday Land

Checking the cupcake out and thinking, "I'm not so sure about this"

Digging in 
"Hmmm....this isn't so bad!"

"MMMMMMM", this is Preston's favorite thing to say when something is really yummy.

Needless to say, this Little Slugger, thoroughly enjoyed his first taste of cake.
Look at that face!

Going in for the kill!
I think that is a face of pure satisfaction!!

Sharing a special moment with Daddy

Being silly with Daddy

Me and my sweet boy

Getting cleaned off. What a process!
After cake, Preston, I opened presents.  Thank you to everyone who came and spoiled our rookie with awesome gifts!! He has so many toys, he doesn't know what to do with himself!! He is in heaven!! 

I tried to get Preston to open his presents, but he was too hyped up on sugar. He just wanted to play
Yay, new toys!


Preston and sweet Savannah.  Savannah is 3 weeks younger than Preston and is alreadyrunning everywhere!
Every time I opened a new gift, the kids wanted to play with it. They had so much fun! Preston really had a ton of fun with all of his adorable friends and family!
The crowd

Kennedy and Carter joining in on the fun!

Preston and his buds

Loves it!

"Ohhh....these are cool"

Playing is serious business!

Preston and Carter have so much fun together! 
Carter loved the Kawasaki...

Beautiful Tatum 

Silly Avery
One of the happiest babies I know, Sweet Kennedy

Looks like Carter made a new friend! 
Preston and his cousins playing trucks

Cousin Alex playing
Thank you to all of you who helped us celebrated. Preston had a blast with all of you and is so thankful for all of his toys. Also, thank you to all of you who helped make Preston's first year of life so special. It   was definitely a roller-coaster ride. We truly appreciate every meal, gift, reassuring conversation, piece of advice, and especially every memory that you helped us create. We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends in our life!!