Friday, September 21, 2012

If You Want To Feel Rich...Printable

We've got an almost three hour nap going on over here...YAY!!! While the Prince slept, besides doing the usual...picking up Preston's 1,965,032 toys, doing the dishes, folding a load of laundry, I got crafty on Photoshop and created a few printables.

A quote that has been heavily on my mind lately is this: 
"If you want to feel rich, just count all of the things you have, that money can't buy." 

We have had to make a lot of cut backs to our budget recently, leaving me feeling frustrated at times.  When I saw this quote (found here), it put everything into perspective.  I wanted to be reminded of this on a daily basis, so I whipped up a printable incorporating it.  It will be going up on our picture wall in our stairwell.  I am also posting it for you all to enjoy, as well.  
Hopefully you can find a color you like :) 

Hoping your nap-time was just as productive & enjoyable!

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