Monday, December 5, 2011

Weekly Recipe Round-Up

One of the reasons I make a weekly menu of recipes is so I don't buy a bunch of stuff that I don't need. I organize my list into the following categories:

  • Fruits/Veggies
  • Meat/Seafood/Poultry
  • Breads & Deli
  • Baking/Spices
  • Canned/Boxed
  • Dairy
  • Baby
  • Cleaning/Home Supplies
  • Misc
By doing this, I avoid running from one end of the store to the other a million times. I did this before Preston, but it is even more helpful now that I shop with him, as my window of opportunity is a lot smaller. I have to be as efficient as possible, in order to avoid a meltdown :)

Below are the Recipes for the week. I try to incorporate some comfort foods along with salads, desserts and breakfast. If you have any suggestions or ideas, please let me know, as I am always looking to improve and give you what you want.


To access the recipe click on the name.  I found all of my recipes on Pinterest....what would I do without that wonderfully genius site?!

Have a great week, friends!
Xoxo- Jamee

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