Friday, December 16, 2011

Aloha & Candy Cane Vodka

You are probably going to hate me when I tell you this....but tomorrow we go to Maui for our Christmas vacation.  While there I will be blogging, but very sporadically.  We are going to take full advantage of our time with our family and soak up the warm Hawaiian rays.  Please send us good thoughts for our 6 hour plane flight :\  Preston has flown twice before, but not as long as tomorrows flight!   I have every trick in the book packed in our diaper bag, so let hope they work! I am a little nervous, but know it will work out just fine.

Here is the view from my parents house that we will be waking up to every's can be jealous ;)
And then again at sunset

Before I say, "ALOHAAAA", I will leave you with a yummy Christmas libation....CANDY CANE VODKA!! If that doesn't scream Christmas Party Cocktail...I don't know what does!
How To Make It
1. Grab your favorite type of Vodka
2. Buy Some Mini Candy Canes
3. Depending on how much you plan on making, get out a mason jar or pitcher.
4. Pour Vodka into your container of choice
5. Put a few candy canes in and soak for 12-24 hours, depending on how quickly the candy canes dissolve.
Pretty simple way to make an amazing and yummy libation. I know I will be giving a few of these out as gifts this year ;)

Once You've made your candy cane vodka you can use it for Christmas Presents or save it for yourself to make a yummy Christmas drink ;)

Enjoy....maybe you can mix some up and relax with cocktail by the fire at some point this weekend!

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