Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Mommy's Little Quarterback

I know...I's been forever! But we are BACK!!

The last month and a half has been busy. Between travel, work, play dates, and home improvements, our days have been filled to the max!

I will be posting on each one of those topics in future posts, but for now, here are some pictures of my sweet 7 (well...7.5 month) quarterback.  Ever since the day he was born, weighing in at 8lbs 13oz & 20 inches, he has been a BIG boy.  He really is Mommy's Little Quarterback ;) I think he is the most precious little (well...not really little) boy in the world.  He makes me laugh and smile everyday.  I am not sure if he will ever know how much I really love do love him. I hope you enjoy the following pics as much as I do ;)

                                                           My Handsome Buga-loo
                                                                   Love his laughs
                                                     Already practicing throwing the ball!
                                                        He can be so silly sometimes!
                                        We will leave you by keepin' it real...true Preston style!

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