Sunday, February 19, 2012

Our Week In Pictures

The girls came over to watch Bachelor on Monday. I made these chalkboard wine glasses the weekend before, and thought it would be fun to use them for Bachelor Night. To make them, I took some old wine glasses and tried out an idea I saw on Pinterest.  I found chalkboard spray paint at Michael's and sprayed the base of the wine glass.  Michael's also had talc a bit of a twist to the traditional chalkboard look.

Preston's Valentine's Day shot.  I sure am special, I had TWO Valentine's this year. 
The beautiful red roses I got for Valentine's Day from my hubby.  They are still alive, well and gorgeous.  I love flowers.  They truly brighten up a room. Thanks for the flowers, Love.
This is Preston's new face he makes. I guess he is learning that he has different muscles in his face....that is my only explanation for this new face. He definitely didn't learn it from Jake or I!
I can't tell you how much Preston LOVES Pebbles. He gets so happy when he sees her.  Here is thoroughly enjoying some Pebbles' kisses <3
One of his new things he loves to do is scoot his way over to the tile and pat it.  This cracks him up. I should stop buying him toys...he always finds the simplest things fun! 
One of this new "tricks".  After doing this he pretty much throws himself forward.  He is still trying to figure out how to move his hands forward. 
Gettin' some Mama Love
On Saturday, we headed over to my friend Stacy's house, to celebrate her Son Carter's, first birthday.  Here is Jake and Preston enjoying the gorgeous weather.  We are so blessed to have such wonderful winters here in Vegas. 
Stacy and Carter.  This was Carter's YUMMY smash cake his Mama made him.  He didn't know quite what to think about it. I think he may have been overwhelmed with everyone signing happy birthday.  I will be doing an entire post on his party in a later post. Stay tuned.
Preston playing with his friends, Calia and Shea.  He had tons of fun. He refused to take an afternoon nap, so after all the fun and excitement of Carter's party, he came home and PASSED out. Usually he rolls around his crib for about 15 minutes. But last night, he was so exhausted he went right to sleep. Thank you Stacy and Jake for  such a great party!
I am not sure if it is the FOUR teeth (his two front and two eye teeth) this kid is getting, but he has been flashing this smile a lot lately. Hopefully, this isn't the start of that "fake" smile every kid has.  No matter how funny he looks, I think he is still cute :)
 I still have one more day of this long weekend until I have to go back to work.  I love long weekends :) 

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