Thursday, February 16, 2012

Jake's Birthday

Birthday Boy with his golf cake, stogie & Newcastle (A few of his favorite things) 
Last Saturday, I threw my Hubby a birthday party.  

I thought it would be fun to make some of his favorite foods. I was so busy cooking and baking, and making sure everyone was enjoying themselves, that I didn't get a chance to take any of pictures of the food, but here is a list of the foods I made:
-Frech Fries
-Southwestern Egg Rolls
-BBQ Chicken Pizza
-Mini Wedge Salads
-Corona & Blue Moon Cupcakes
-Funfetti Cake Batter Dip w/ animal crackers & pretzels

The one thing I did manage to get a picture of was his cake

We had about 25 friends and family over to eat, drink & be merry.  Here are some of the few pictures we got of our fun night:
Jake having some fun with his Cousin Ali & Aunt Steph 
Our friends Chris & Kyle & sweet baby Kennedy. She is one of the happiest babies I know!
Book Club Girls! Lindsay, Jaime & Adria.
Some of the gang posing for the camera.
Jake likes to celebrate with cigars, so I thought it would be fun to set up a cigar bar outside.  Jake, BY, Brian and Chrissy enjoying the crisp beautiful night.
Stacy, Adria & I.  These girls are some of the best friends I could ask for.  They make motherhood fun & memorable.

Hopefully, next time I through a party, I will remember to take more pictures. I hate not documenting all of my hard work and the fun we have with friends.  No matter what, though, Jake had a great time ringing in his 29th year of life.  Next year he will be the big, three-oh.  That will have to be an even better party! I have my work but out for me!

Happy Thursday, Friends. One day closer to Fabulous Friday.

XOXO ~ Jamee

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