Friday, February 3, 2012

DIY: Picture Frame Headboard

A few days ago, i wrote that I have been busy doing crafty things around the house.  This is one of the things I have been up to.
We ended up getting a new bed (a king! yay!!) because I kept waking up every morning with achy back and hips.  Our bed was a hand me down from Jake's Aunt, and neither Jake or I, had ever had a new bed before. So, we splurged and got a nice big king! We have been wanting a king sized bed for a while, and finally got one!  

Since we had just spent a good amount of money our comfy nice new bed, I didn't want to spend anymore on a headboard or bed frame.  So, I did what I always do whenever I need some creative inspiration, and got on Pinterest, and found this idea.

It was really pretty simple.  

*We got 6 large frames (from Target). 3 5x7's and 3 8x10's.
*Went through my pictures and decided which ones I wanted to display.
* Measured the length of the bed.
* Put a nail where I wanted the frames to hang, equidistant apart, according to my measurement.
* Nailed each nail, one by one, and hung each picture.
*I then stood back and admired our (my hubby did all of the hard labor, I just supervised ;)) hard work!
I love this project because it really makes our bedroom feel personal.  Another reason I like this type of headboard, is because as our family grows and changes, we can swap out the pictures, and it will never look out dated and always represent who we are at the present moment.

Happy Friday to all of you! Have a great weekend!


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