Monday, February 13, 2012

Our Week in Pictures

What a fun week we had! 
We found these Marracas in the dollar section at Target...what a find! Preston loves them.
When I first gave them to him, he checked them out...
Put them in his mouth to decide if he liked them or not.... 
And continued to enjoy them by shaking them non-stop!!
Decided..."Yup!! They are winners!!"
We had a play date with Calia a few days ago & we played in their balls they had. Preston loved them so much, that we got him some of his own! He has a ball with pun intended ;)
Preston has been experimenting with the idea of crawling. Notice the look of determination on his face...

He has been trying more and more each day to get up on his knees.  That is a lot of weight to carry around...he's not sure if he is ok with it ;)
Once he realizes this, he drops back down and inch worms to his desired destination.  In this instance, it was his box of books.
almost successful....

Saying good bye to Dada. Not only does this kid LOVE his Daddy, but he says, "Dada" non stop. I even told Jake on his birthday (Sunday), that he woke up singing Happy Birthday to him. I heard him go gagaga,...Dadadadada...gaga...Dadada. So cute :)
Jake's, "Man Bouquet", I made him for his B-day!
Auntie Ashy, Preston's (soon to be) Godmother, came into town to meet him!! They had a blast together! So Good to see you Ash!!
I threw Jake a birthday was a ton of fun. Thank you friends,  for coming and making Jake's b-day special! 
Jake's birthday cake I made him.  Go here for the tutorial.
The Birthday Boy enjoying a stogie and a beer, while we sing Happy Birthday. 
We ended the week with Jake's Sister, Hayley, and her boys. Thanks for dinner guys!!
Happy Birthday, Jake! We love you!

Monday came way too quick....and I am exhausted....but all so worth it. Happy Monday, folks!
XOXO, Jamee

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