Sunday, February 26, 2012

Our Week in Pictures


Off for a walk! We've had some amazing weather lately. It's been in the 70's almost everyday this week. 
On our way back from Lent Mass. Preston's first Ash Wednesday. Wonder what he gave up? ;)
Some pretty spring flowers that are sitting on my coffee table.

My sweet kitty, Dodger.
My crazy puppy, Pebbles.  {Please excuse her messy hair} 
Mr. Cool Guy, trying on Daddy's sunglasses.  He LOVES sunglasses....anytime they are in sight he is grabbing for them. 
Jake and I were lucky enough to sneak away on Saturday for a date night. We went to Brio for dinner and then Firefly for a drink.  We love our Baby Boy, but we also love a night out with each other. Thanks for babysitting, Kacey!  
Me and my Superman
Our attempt at a family picture. It makes me smile. We really need to learn how to use the timer on our camera!
Preston hanging out in the cart while we ran errands at Target.  
Hard at work playing :)
Poor guy, those teeth are really bothering him here. We can't wait for them to cut....any day now.

Hope you all enjoying your Sunday's with your loved ones.  Cheers to hoping you have a great Monday!

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