Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Letters To My Son

Dear Preston~
I can't believe that you are now 8 months!! It seems like just yesterday, that I was bursting with excitement, while putting you in your carseat to bring you home.  It was such a happy day for me.  So far, each month becomes my new favorite. I am loving all of the fun things we do together these days. Your personality is developing more and more each day.  Some words I would use to describe you right now are: silly, sweet, happy, determined, observant, playful.
You can be so silly sometimes. I think you get this from your Daddy. Daddy loves to be silly and often makes Mama laugh with his goofy antics.  This is one of the things I love most about him. I see Daddy be silly with you and I love it.  I think it is so important to have a sense of humor.  Life is too short to be serious all of the time.  Some of the looks you give me, make me laugh so hard.  Thank you for the gift of laughter.  You remind me to take time out to smile and laugh.
Often times, when people come up to say hi to you, you get kind of shy and bury your face into me.  I love your sweetness. There are times when I could just eat you up, you are so sweet.  Like, when i come into get you after a nap or in the mornings, you flash me a beautiful big smile.  Do you know how much that melts my heart?  It is moments like those that I dreamed of before I conceived you and when you were in my womb.  I cherish our sweet moments,  like when you stare at my face, and gently touch it, like you have never seen me before.  I love that.  You are also very good at giving hugs. I love it when I give you a hug, and you hold on.  It is your version of hugging back really tight....that is what I like to believe anyway :)  You are definitely a blankie boy.  You have about 4 blankies...and you definitely don't discriminate against any of them.  When we hold up your blankie, you are all smiles.  When we get rid of your paci next month, your blankie will safe our lives!! Don't ever stop being loving and sweet, Son.  They are great qualities to have in this world.
When your teeth aren't getting the best of you, you are such a happy boy.  So much of the time you have a smile on your face.  I love how these days, I can put you in front of your toys, and you will happily play by yourself. You love holding onto Mama and Daddy's hands, as we help you walk.  You also enjoy zipping around in your walker. You zoom around and try to get into all sorts of things.  Daddy's currently working on baby proofing the house :)  For some reason, you are attracted to all of the things you shouldn't be getting into, like the garbage can, the blinds, pebbles food and water bowls, and the cabinets.  I love your curiosity though....just means you are trying to learn all about your new world.
These days, when you want something, you are determined to get it {or into it}.  Some of the things that you are determined to get: cell phones, sunglasses, hats, hair {yes, even facial hair}, Pebbles, keys, and pretty much anything sparkly, colorful, noisy or bright.  You do your signature inch worm type crawl over to whatever it is that you want, and don't stop until you have it. If we take something away that you are enjoying, you get very upset and start crying.  At least you know what you want!!  Another way you show your determination, is when we are feeding you.  When you are done, you are DONE! You could be chowing down one minute, and the next, be waving your hands in front of your face.  This is your version of "all done", in sign language :)  Many times your food ends up all over the walls, mama's face and your hands, as a result.
When we go out to eat, for a walk, or to the grocery store you are mesmerized by everything around you.  You are so observant. You love watching other children and animals.  On our walks, you love watching the trees. Maybe it is because there are not a ton of them in Vegas, but whenever there is a tree swaying in the wind, you are glued to studying it.  Please do not lose this sense of wonder...learning and exploration are wonderful things.
You love to play and be played with.  One of your favorite games to play is, Peek-a-Boo.  It is a guaranteed way to make you laugh. Your could be upset and frustrated, but as soon as I bust out a, "Peek-a-boo!!", you start belly laughing. I love that silly little belly laugh. It is precious and melts my heart.  Some others games you like to play are Patty Cake, Bumble Bee (a tickling game) and you love getting raspberries on your belly. We laugh so much when we play! Always remember that laughter is the best medicine.  Some of your favorite toys right now are the stackable rings that Grandma J got you, your pool full of plastic balls, your maracas, your water bottle full of rice, books, and your plastic golf clubs (although they are way too big!).  Since your mean teeth are causing you pain, you also love anything you can chew on.  You especially like your boo boo ice monkey that Yia Yia got you.  I enjoy playing with you, love.  You make me so happy.
Thank you so much for bringing so much joy and happiness into my life. You brighten so many of Mama and Daddy's days.  Even on my worst day, you can make me smile. I can't wait to watch you grow, succeed, fail, and turn into the Man I hope you will be. One day, I hope you will know how much I love you.  You are a blessing in so many ways.  I love you so much, Preston!!


Your Mama xoxo

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