Monday, November 14, 2011

The Sanders: Est. 8.16.08

I try to think back and remember when I decided that being a wife and a mom was the best job a girl could ever have.  I can't exactly pinpoint an exact time in my life but it was between high school and college. I went off to college expecting to find the, "man of my dreams".

After a 3 year journey on a bumpy and curvy road, I found him. I had just started my senior year at St. Mary's College of California, and happened to stumble upon a tell-it-like-it-is handsome red haired & blue eyed baseball player (with help from one of my besties, Kristina Maka). His name was Jake Sanders. He is now my husband, my best friend, and my son's father.

We dated for 4 years and then got married. He proposed in true Jake style: with 2-24oz beers in paper bags, over looking the San Francisco Bay Area, with a flawless diamond solitare.  It was perfect. Just like him.

A year and 2 months later we got married in the chapel on the St. Mary's campus, right where it all started.  2 days after our wedding we packed up and moved to moved to Las Vegas, Nevada.

A year and a half later we bought our first house.

A year and 4 months after making a house our home, we had our first child. A baby boy named Preston Lawrence Sanders.


  How it all started on 8.16.08 <3

Our Humble Abode

Preston Lawrence Sanders: Born June 18th, 2011

Here I sit 5 months later, living that life the I have always wanted. I am not sure what your definition of a, "a perfect life" is, but for me this is it. Join me as I share my current and future secrets, tips and adventures with all of you.  Let the story begin!

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